
Friday, March 23, 2012

Interaction with Japanese~~

Actually, the Japanese Cultural Club (JCC) had opened a sushi making class on the 17 of March. Sushi, everyone like sushi (I think), but I don't know why? Is it taste really good, or it's expensive that why it's good?

This time the event got Japanese intern from AISEC.
Saki Kageyama with AISECers
Yuya Kumazama

Kana Takata with JCC Board member

Three Japanese Intern had joined the sushi event and though us how to make sushi. Although they were Japanese but I can see that they not really know how to make sushi, but at least they know the step. But when I step back, I'm thinking that if one day I go intern, what food should I present? Roti Canai? Teh Tarik? Nasi Lemak? Yes, that all should be presented but the things is I don't know how to make it.

So, we Malaysian should at least learn one or two Malaysia delicacy in case of somethings comes up, we can handle it. ^^

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pressure for my Uni life ( My Uni life)

In this Uni, each semester we were having 7 subjects, each subject we have their own quiz, mid-term exam, assignments, final exam, presentation and lot lot more. With those multiple by 7, OMG how students can survive this, and are we gaining anything for studying all of it? I'm  International Business Management student, metric no. 206499, currently semester 4.

Until now, after studying for 2 years, I'm just like what am I studying now?? Non-related subject where whole lot more, memorize-memorize for passing the subject until the main subject is what, I forgotten. Isn't the subject should be more focus? Why we were having TITAS, Social Science, Kenegaraan, Sain Pemikiran are those related to my course?? Aren't those should be learned when we were in the primary or secondary school?? Plus are all subject with a International word in front of it related to International Business??  Isn't it will be better if we know more about my own course rather than knowing a little a little of non-related subject??

Besides that, recently I only found out that lot of the lecturer doesn't know how many subject we were taking, and laugh at us saying " Why you all taking so much subjects each sem? In my time at UM (University Malaya) we only take 2 subject each sem only. U all should take 4 subject only each sem." Hello, we have a total credit hour of 128 hours, PTPTN only support us for only 3 years, if we doesn't worries about the money and take 4 subjects each semester, I think we have to study for five and a half years and the uni only allow us to study 5 years maximum more than that means no degree for you.

Today, I hear that there were authorized person checking for student that didn't wear tie and lanyard. =,=||| Is it necessary ? Why other uni doesn't need to wear formal but we near; "This is our specialty, we ( university) wanted you all to be prepared when you step toward the society." I agreed at first but I doubt it. I think that clothing reflected a person, some wanted neat, some wanted sexy, some wanted nerdy, this all reflect to the lecturer what is the personally for a person. For me, I like simple and comfortable wearing, I like slippers because it comfortable and it is easy and fast to wear it. This reflected I'm a simple, wanted everything to be fast, hated plenty of procedure, I'm happy for what I'm and doesn't care others people eyes. Can you see, clothing does reflect a person character. At work place people wear smart to show that "I'm smart and professional." But right now, we were still studying, we have to show who we are not a fake image.

 "When you  were stupid then wear like a stupid, wearing a coat won't hide you from your stupidity."

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm back q(^,-)b

Wow, after for stopping for almost 2 years, now I'm finally back. It's being a long journey didn't log in to this blog. I think that I stopped writing this when I just finished my 1st semester for planning to concentrate my study. Gosh~~ it is too long until I almost forget my log in password also~~ XD

Guessing why I restart blogging again? Well, actually my IT lecturer ask us to do a blog as an assignment. haha~~ Hi there, Sir. Have a good day, Sir. Remember to give me higher marks ya~~ 

This is just the starting, now I will work hard on it and try to get as many mark as I can for this assignment. Happy to be back. ^^