Friday, July 16, 2010

UUM life

University Utara Malaysia thats what UUM stand for. Where is UUM, everyone it is locate at a place call Sintok in Kedah. If the person have ever stay in there will definitely call it jungle.....

A jungle, we call it a good thing and also a bad thing. The good things is fresh air, nice view, with all those bugs around and those monkeys that stealing food and clothes ....-.-|| The things that I hate about it the poor convenience, all those long walk, hawker stall where cheap but hotcup where expensive....-.-||. Well done for the introduction next step the main topic the life a university student.

I live very far from uni, is about 8 hour of pain in the ass to go there. I remember, my family arrive there one day earlier before it start, my mom take us a short tour in to my Dewan Penginapan Pelajar (accommodation). My DPP were outside the campus and is not very near to the campus (45 min of walking...-.-||), the first thing I thought is OMG, are buses always provided?(NO... is the answer), on the way from campus to the DPP, I can see trees trees trees and and one unfinished building. It was quite nice actually but many people say that road wasn't " clean", like I care, my thought is you don't bother me, and I won't bother you.

Is it ghost scary? I will say yes but I want their existence. Why? This is because I'm affair of the word gone, like rubbish you throw it away but is it really gone? It still exist but if I die, am I gone? I don't know but I hate the world gone, I want to exist no matter in what form or what state as long I exist that is enough for me. But if you ask me, am I afraid of die, I will reply no and yes. I'm not afraid of dead, everyone and anything dies so what to afraid for, you like it or not you have to face it, but I afraid of be dead if my mission have done yet.What is my mission? Maybe later I will tell a story that I like to be, a story that i made but still in progress. Actually I almost die before not just once but twice, but maybe mean self or the god give me a chance, a chance to complete my mission..... thank no matter who thank but this inspiration is getting weaker and weaker until the second dead remind me again about my mission. Knock my head next time please...... I scare I won't wake up after the reminder given to me.

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